Investor FAQs
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Where is Shenandoah Telecommunications Company stock traded?
Shenandoah Telecommunications Company’s shares trade on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the trading symbol SHEN.
How do I purchase stock in Shenandoah Telecommunications Company?
Shenandoah Telecommunications Company stock can be purchased through a registered stockbroker or through a private transaction.
Who is Shenandoah Telecommunications Company's Transfer Agent?
Shenandoah Telecommunications Company is its own Transfer Agent. You may contact Shentel Shareholder Service by:
Toll Free: 800-743-6835
US Mail:500 Shentel Way
PO Box 459
Edinburg, VA 22824
Attention: Shareholder Services
Toll Free: 800-743-6835
US Mail:500 Shentel Way
PO Box 459
Edinburg, VA 22824
Attention: Shareholder Services
Does Shenandoah Telecommunications Company pay a dividend?
Yes, the Company has paid a dividend every year since 1960. Dividends are reviewed and voted on annually by the Shenandoah Telecommunications Company Board of Directors. You can find out what Shentel’s current dividend is at this link here.
How do I obtain a copy of the Company's annual and quarterly reports?
Shenandoah Telecommunications Company’s Annual Reports, Form 10-Ks, Form 10-Qs and other public reports are available for review at In addition, investors can find SEC filings at
Where is Shenandoah Telecommunications Company headquartered?
The Company’s principal corporate office is located at:
Shenandoah Telecommunications Company
500 Shentel Way
Edinburg, VA 22824
Phone: 540-984-5200
Shenandoah Telecommunications Company
500 Shentel Way
Edinburg, VA 22824
Phone: 540-984-5200
Where is Shenandoah Telecommunications Company incorporated?
Shenandoah Telecommunications Company is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Does Shenandoah Telecommunications Company have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan and if so, how can I enroll in it?
Yes. You can enroll in Shenandoah Telecommunications Company’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan by contacting Shareholder Services and requesting a Dividend Reinvestment Plan Participant Form or by clicking below to download the form.
Download Form
Download Form
What do I do if I ever lose my stock certificates?
If your certificates are lost, stolen or destroyed, notify Shareholder Services immediately to have a “Stop” placed on the certificate. This is much like a stop payment you may place at a bank. The shareholder must purchase an Open Penalty Lost Securities Bond to replace the missing certificate(s). The cost of this bond is typically 1%-3% of the value of the lost shares and can be purchased through most insurance companies. Once the bond is received by Shareholder Services, the certificate(s) will be reissued in book entry form.
How can I find more information on Shenandoah Telecommunications Company's management and Board of Directors?
Profiles of the executive management team and the Board of Directors can be found in the Corporate Governance subsection of the Investors Section of the Shentel website at
Who can I contact if I have any questions related to my ownership of Shenandoah Telecommunications Company or would like further investor information?
Please contact:
Norma Copeland
Transfer Agent
500 Shentel Way
Edinburg, VA 22824
Phone: (540) 984-5200
Norma Copeland
Transfer Agent
500 Shentel Way
Edinburg, VA 22824
Phone: (540) 984-5200